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aradiginindir.blogspot.com family is proud to share with you this book :
First Muslim LESLEY HAZLETON pdf book
This book is translated into English. He is a mesenger his name is muhammad and He is leader of the Islam. If he weren’t standing lonely vigil on the mountain, you might say that there was no sign of anything unusual about him. The earliest sources describe him with infuriating vagueness for those of us who need images. “He was neither tall nor short,” they say. “Neither dark nor fair.” “Neither thin nor stout.” But here and there, specific details slip through, and when they do, they are surprising. Surely a man spending night after night in solitary meditation would be a gaunt, ascetic figure, yet far from being pale and wan, he had round, rosy cheeks and a ruddy complexion. pdfkitapoku.com families thanks for visited for my web sites.
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